Update 0.161 - 0.230 (1 Month +)

Hello, I'm still working on the game, in 1 month + (34 days) I had changed tons of things, and I'm working on tons of new things, every aspect of the game has got improvements, sales, workers, creating product, everything :-} 

But it's not the end, I'm still working on new things, like chimarrao, more companies options and tons of other things.

Full list of changes:

0.23 (Steam Early Access) - 14.07.2021

- Added "Barbacua" drying method, we can unlock it at research (the research will be unlocked during gameplay). Barbacua takes more time and cash to make, but it can have a higher price, from another side we will sell a lower number of it (limited), we will gain fewer fans (because of lower sales).

- Huge optimization of hired/workers available for hire panel.

- Removed Gender option (players request) + it was never working. It will be replaced with Chimarrao/Standard yerba option.

- Fixed bug with sorting with a date (created yerba)

- Other bug fixes.

0.22 (Steam Early Access) - 10.07.2021

- Added option to hide global/yerba events notifications.

- Added panel with other information (tax rate, etc).

- Other bug fixes

0.21 (Steam Early Access) - 06.07.2021

- Now we can see month/year statistics (last/actual Month/Year). I wanted to make something simple.

- Update of the German translation.

- Fixed bug with some panels positions.

- Fixed bug with starting a new game (endless loading).

0.20 (Steam Early Access) - 03.07.2021

- When we hover on time, it now shows future awards + trade shows time.

- With each completed contract, we are gaining a reputation, which boosts contracts cash.

- Fixed bug with + when 2nd additive was not selected

- Fixed rare bug with marketing

- Fixed bug with difficulty and yerba creation costs

- Other bug fixes

0.19 (Steam Early Access) - 29.06.2021

- Added Trade Show

- Redo of created yerba mates panel

- Nowe we can set sales multiplier (game start)

- We can now hide notifications (contract done, research done, etc.) --> settings panel.

- Lowered font size of settings (there were vari0ous problems with translations).

- Fixed bug with awards not showing (icons)

- Other bug fixes

0.18 (Steam Early Access) - 24.06.2021

- Added MacOS support :-} Notarized + M1 and Intel support.

- Added workers management (simple system, we can cut salary, set over time, etc). + I did tons of mood balance.

- Fixed bug with time flow and additives panel close

- Fixed bug with parent panels

- Other bug fixes

0.177 (Steam Early Access) - 21.06.2021

- Added Linux Support!

- Added information about yerba quality and workers experience (yerba review)

- Added tooltip about yerba quality (yerba creation)

- Fixed bug with time flow and some panels

- Fixed bug with money indicator and game start

0.176 (Steam Early Access) - 19.06.2021

- Update of all translation files

- Fixed bug with tooltips

0.175 (Steam Early Access) - 19.06.2021

- Clarification of locked items tooltips.

- Yerba creation effects (balls) now are destroyed when the main menu opens

- Update of German + Turkish translation + texts fixes.

- Fixed very rare bug with screen resolution set

- Fixed bug with achievement "First Cash".

- Fixed bug with the closing game

- Fixed bug with selectors at the game start when switching language

0.174 (Steam Early Access) - 18.06.2021

- Added Steam Achievements

- Balance: Yerba with rate <=5 will now sell worse

- Bug Fixes.

0.173 (Steam Early Access) - 17.06.2021

- Cash now got raise or lower indicator (in the future, detailed reports about earnings + expenses will come), but right now, this will help to see if we lose/gain cash (month to month compare).

- Fixed bug with selectors and switching language (text from old language was staying).

- Fixed bug with generating contracts.

- Fixed bug with calculating max hired workers.

0.172 (Steam Early Access) - 16.06.2021

- Tutorial is now disabled in the game menu.

- Added tooltips to the +++ in sliders (yerba creation).

- Typos fixes, cleared information about bad balance of stimulation and refreshment

- Fixed rare bug with UFO.
- Fixed rare bug with the marketing of product in creation.

0.171 (Steam Early Access) - 15.06.2021

- Bug: Fixed bug with showing tooltips

- Bug: Fixed bug with opening marketing panel

- Bug: Fixed bug with additive names and switching language.

- Bug: Fixed bug with disappearing shopkeeper (rare),

0.17 (Non-Steam Early Access) - 13.06.2021

- Hired worker's salaries will now rise (all is done automatically).

- Worker trait with salary raise is now working.

- Added new worker trait "Loyal" (worker will be less likely to leave the company).

- Changed "happy" trait, now worker mood is falling slower, but worker can be unhappy :-}

0.162 (Non-Steam Early Access) - 11.06.2021

- Workers with low moods will now leave your company.

- Worker's training is now locked by default (needs to be researched).

- Tons of improvements to tooltips

- Bug fixes.

0.161 (Non-Steam Early Access) - 09.06.2021

- Tons of improvements to sales charts, I had added information about total earnings (so we can see, if we lose or gain cash), when we hover bar we can now see monthly sales + I add text about how many months in sales your yerba is + other things.

- Bug fixes.


YMT (0.23).zip 66 MB
Jul 13, 2021
YMT(0_230)_Linux.zip 68 MB
Jul 13, 2021
YMT(0_230)_MacOS 82 MB
Jul 13, 2021

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